Hard exclusive pion production is a well-established tool for studying Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs). During the last decade, extensive studies have been performed on hard exclusive 𝜋0 and 𝜋+ production off the proton. However, hard exclusive 𝜋− production off the proton is so far nearly unexplored. It can be described based on 𝑁→Δ++ transition GPDs, which can help us to gain insights into the 3D structure of the p to Δ transition. The talk will present a study of beam spin asymmetries from hard exclusive 𝜋− electro-production off an unpolarized hydrogen target in the forward kinematic regime (−𝑡/𝑄2 << 1) with CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab. The preliminary results will be compared to previous studies on hard exclusive 𝜋0 and 𝜋+ production and discussed in the context of a GPD and transition GPD-based description.