International Light Cone Advisory Committee


Toward a solution of the gap equation in Minkowski space

by Cedric Mezrag (IRFU, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay)


Continuum QCD techniques, especially the ones exploiting the Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter equations, have seen significant improvements in the last decades, allowing the computations of a large set of observables, with favorable comparisons with data. Recently, attempts have been performed to compute light-front quantities through these techniques.  However, since these equations are most of the time solved in Euclidean space, reaching the light-front may reveal itself challenging.

In this talk, I will discuss the possibility to solve these equations directly in Minkowski space. I will present also challenges and opportunities this may yield, taking as an example our recent work in the case of abelian theories. I'll explain the techniques allowing us to manipulate algebraically the momentum degrees of freedom together with the crucial role of symmetries in order to obtain a manageable kernel. Finally, I'll briefly discuss the extension to QCD.

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