November 30, 2023 to December 2, 2023
Daegu Grand Hotel
Asia/Seoul timezone

The ePIC Barrel Imaging Calorimeter

Nov 30, 2023, 1:30 PM
Pine Hall (Daegu Grand Hotel)

Pine Hall

Daegu Grand Hotel

305 Dongdaegu-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu, South Korea


Sylvester Joosten (Argonne National Laboratory)


Barrel electromagnetic calorimeters for the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), essential for electron-pion separation, require excellent photon energy resolution and high granularity for photon-π0 distinction. They must have a broad dynamic range, even at low energies, within the limited space of the solenoid magnet. This subdetector, critical for the inclusive physics program at high Q2, demands a pion rejection rate of up to 10^4.
The barrel calorimeter for the ePIC experiment, which is part of the EIC Project, combines advanced Pb-scintillating fiber-based sampling calorimetry with low-power AstroPix HV-MAPS tracking layers to tackle these challenges by leveraging precise 3+1-dimensional electromagnetic shower imaging.
I will present the ePIC Barrel Imaging Calorimeter's design and performance, focusing on its development timeline and collaborative efforts.

Presentation materials