November 30, 2023 to December 2, 2023
Daegu Grand Hotel
Asia/Seoul timezone

Pom-CQM model of J/psi photoproduction on nucleon

Dec 1, 2023, 10:45 AM
Pine Hall (Daegu Grand Hotel)

Pine Hall

Daegu Grand Hotel

305 Dongdaegu-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu, South Korea


Sakinah S (Kyungpook national university)


A Hamiltonian model has been developed to investigate J/Ψ photo-production reaction on the nucleon. A J/Ψ -N potential has been extracted by analyzing from photoproduction reaction using the Pomeron exchange Model and the Constituent Quark Model (Pom-CQM). To account the quark substructure of J/Ψ, we use the realistic CQM wavefunction by J. Segovia, at all in the reaction amplitude. The result of this model has a good agreement with the total cross section experimental data and the new differential cross section data which have been published by JLab. In addition, we will make prediction the excited state of J/Ψ(2S) and hc(1S) for future experiment.

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