International Light Cone Advisory Committee


Light-front holography with chiral symmetry breaking: From semiclassical approximation to ab initio light-front QCD

by Yang Li (University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei)


Abstract (tentative):
In this talk, I will emphasize the role of longitudinal dynamics in light-front holography. In particular, I will present a separable analytically solvable 3D model for hadrons that extends light-front holography. The model incorporates the finite quark mass and the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation as required by the chiral symmetry breaking. It also preserves the desired Lorentz symmetries, and produces improved agreement with the experimental mass spectroscopy and other properties of the light mesons. I will also discuss related models of the longitudinal dynamics. Finally, I propose that the model is suitable as an improved analytic approximation to QCD at a low-resolution scale, as well as a starting point for ab initio light-front QCD calculations in the future.


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