Unresolved problems of low-resolution nuclear theory. First experimental indication of the contradictions between QCD and nuclear theory ideas on short-range inter-nucleon forces and high energy data. The color gauge symmetry constraint on the wave function of a bound state. The analysis of the vacuum matrix element of the commutator of local currents allows us to evaluate the value of the pQCD core of the ground state of a hadron. Factorization theorems together with the correlation length are effective tools for the calculation of hard diffractive processes since they account for the constraints due to symmetries. Examples of application of factorization theorems for the prediction and explanation of the processes gamma* + p -> rho + p, gamma + N -> J/psi + N, pi + A -> 2 jets + rap gap + X. The dominance of nonsense polarizations of gluons leads to the color transparency phenomenon, to the non-relativistic description of heavy quarkonium produced in the hard diffractive processes. Specifics of the Q^2, x evolutions of parton distributions at small x and the nuclear shadowing phenomenon. Coherence length and second type of CT.
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