During the Eg2 run, the CLAS detector collected experimental data on a wide range of nuclear targets, including a nucleus as heavy as Lead and as light as Carbon or Deuterium. These data allowed us to study various aspects of the nuclear hadronization process, nuclear color transparency, short-range nuclear collations, two-pion correlations, and others. In particular, varying sizes of nuclei allowed us to study the phenomenon of nuclear hadronization as a function of the nuclear medium size. The types of final hadrons studied included charged and neutral pions, protons with very high statistics, and with fewer statistics kaons, etas, omegas, and lambdas. During the next couple of years, the CLAS Run Group E experiment will be repeated on CLAS12 with CEBAF12 with a wider kinematical range and with higher statistics for a variety of hadrons. During the talk, I´ll present the previous experiment, the upcoming 12 GeV experiment, and the perspectives and scientific interest for a 24 GeV experiment.