The High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will present a new window on the na- ture of the universe, providing high precision measurements of the SM and maximizing search potential for new physics. Though the upgrade of the LHC enables information-rich environment for such precision measurement and searches, it also entails harsh pileup environment of upto 200 proton- proton interaction per bunch crossing. In order to overcome such environ- ment and achieve the best performance, the CMS experiment also plans The CMS Phase-2 upgrade in line with the HL-LHC schedule. The CMS Phase-2 detector requires best performing trigger system to collect the information- rich datasets in the challenging environment. Hence, we aims to improve the CMS Level-1 (L1) trigger system, one of two trigger systems, by imple- menting new trigger system which have never been used in the CMS L1. The traditional L1 trigger is highly vulnerable to large pileup effects since it calculates jets and missing transverse energy by exclusively using calorime- ter information only. The L1 correlator trigger (L1 CT) is a new trigger system for the L1 trigger proposed for the CMS Phase-2 upgrade. The L1 CT is designed to solve the traditional issue by implementing the best per- forming reconstruction, the Particle-Flow algorithm, and pileup mitigation technique, the PileUp Per Particle Identification algorithm, and needs to be optimized to perform well in the HL-LHC condition.
Thesis Advisor: Prof. Chang-Seong Moon