The synthesis of high quality single crystal thin films and multilayers of newly discovered materials is critical to explore their intrinsic properties and evaluate novel device applications. In this presentation, I would like to briefly review the progress of research on Fe based superconductor (FBS) thin films. Since the discovery of FBS material, at the initial stage, to reveal grain boundary (GB) characteristics, many researchers devoted their effort to grow genuine epitaxial FBS thin films. After achieving epitaxial films, enhancement of critical temperature (Tc) and critical current density (Jc) by chemical doping and strain engineering were the main theme in this research field. Furthermore, since artificially layered superlattices offer unique opportunity towards tailoring superconducting properties and understanding the mechanisms of superconductivity by creating model structures which do not exist in nature, fabrication of artificial heterostructure of FBS was one of the most important issue.
From the historical overview of research on FBS thin films, we may learn how to approach a research on next high Tc superconductor in future.