Special lectures for nuclear physics will be held at Yonsei University from June 26 to June 30. These lectures aim to provide essential knowledge of nuclear physics for graduate students, postdocs, and advanced level undergraduates.
No registration fee is required! Lunch is provided for all participants.
Among many topics in nuclear physics, these lectures focus on low energy nuclear physics (ab initio calculations of finite nuclei), nuclear matter (quantum Monte Carlo, chiral many-body perturbation theory), and neutron stars (recent progresses in neutron star physics).
Starting from the basic facts in nuclear physics, lecturers will explain traditional ways to solve specific nuclear physics problems and introduce state of the art techniques to approach solutions.
We encourage graduate students on both sides form theory and experiment to participate in this program.
Since we aim that lectures perform in a free atmosphere, we encourage participants to join discussions before or after lectures.
There'll be a poster session for graduate students and a mini-workshop (3 or 4 presentations). It is highly recommended for graduate students to participate in the poster session. Mini workshop is organized for active participation of postdocs.
The accommodations for graduate students will be supported by the organizing committee.
Invited lecturers include
Alex Gezerlis (U. Guelph)
Jason Holt (TRIUMF)
Jeremy Holt (Texas A&M U.)
James Lattimer (Stony Brook U.)