Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University
경북대학교 물리학과

KNU Physics Colloquium Series

Quantum Few-Body Problem in Physics - My Research Life Up to Now -

by Prof. Emiko Hiyama (RIKEN / Kyushu University, Japan)

206호 (제1과학관)




My main research is few-body problem in physics. This is similar with individual and group behavior based on the interaction between individuals in the social science. A typical problem is that the group may act collectively to achieve a goal that differs from what individuals would act alone.
My research goal is to establish such a method and to apply it to various kinds of interesting and important subjects. The simplest few-body problem is three-body problem. But, it is not easy to solve it. My main research field is nuclear physics. The typical three- and four-body problems in nuclear systems are to study triton nucleus and Helium nucleus. The each particle in nuclei is very strongly interacting with each other and moving very quickly. Then, it is difficult to solve these three- and four-body problem accurately.
To overcome this difficulty, I proposed ‘Gaussian expansion method for few-body systems using infinitesimally-shifted Gaussian-Lobe basis function’. The advantages of the method is i) very easy to perform even for beginners, ii) accurate in the numerical result, iii) applicable to various types of three-, four- and five-body systems interacting via any type of potentials. In the presentation, I will report the method and some successful examples to apply it to nuclear physics.
Including the above research, I also talk on my research in physics, why I became to be researcher and selected to study nuclear physics.

Host: Prof. Wooyoung Kim