Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University
경북대학교 물리학과

KNU Physics Seminars

Introduction to the new physics search via the T-violation in compound nuclei

by Dr Hirohiko Shimizu (Nagoya University, Japan), Dr Masaaki Kitaguchi (Nagoya University), Dr Katsuya Hirota (Nagoya University)

206호 (제1과학관)




Extremely large enhancements of the parity-violating effects have been observed in compound nuclear states induced by radiative capture reactions of epithermal neutrons. The enhancement is understood as the interference of partial amplitudes with opposite parities in the entrance channel to corresponding compound states. The applicability of the enhancement mechanism to the breaking of the time reversal invariance is being studied by determining spectroscopic factors in the entrance channel in the angular distribution of gamma-rays from the (n, gamma) reaction as a function of incident neutron energy and gamma-ray energy. We describe the present status of our experimental studies and R&D activities