The program to investigate the structure of hadrons using Compton scattering at HIgS is well-aligned with the vision of the nuclear physics community outlined in the NSAC (2007). Polarizability measurements will provide stringent tests of the link between effective low-energy descriptions of nucleons to QCD. The heart of this program is HIgS frozen spin target system (HIFROST), which makes double polarization experiments, in conjunction with either circularly or linearly polarized gamma beams, possible. HIFROST is basically a dilution refrigerator operating in frozen spin mode and operating using dynamic nuclear polarization. Subsystems of HIFROST are cryostat (~50mK in a target), 70 GHz microwave system, NMR system, 2.5-T polarizing magnet and 0.5-T holding magnet system, and proton/deuteron targets. We have been developing/constructing HIFROST and progress has been recently made in parallel at UVa and at TUNL/Duke. I will talk about the physics program using HIFROST and the status of developing/constructing HIFROST.