In this study, the problems of the previously developed MMC were analyzed, and MMC improvements have been studied for applications in new fields. At each stage of the manufacturing process, the physical properties of the MMC were identified through manufacturing at different conditions and measurement of that. Based on these process conditions for maximizing MMC performance and securing reliability were found, and some of the main elements of MMC were manufactured using new process methods and materials. Among them, the most important study was to directly synthesize and replace Ag:$^{168}$Er, which has a good thermal system and economic advantage compared to the conventional sensor material Au:$^{168}$Er. For synthesizing Ag:$^{168}$Er alloy, an RF inductance heating furnace equipment was built in high vacuum, chemical and physical properties of the synthesized alloy were analyzed through various analysis methods, and the synthesis process for a suitable sensor material was developed.
Thesis Advisor: Prof. Hongjoo Kim