Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University
경북대학교 물리학과

KNU Physics Seminars

Relativistic mean field models: Finite nuclei and hyperon matter

by Prof. Anto Sulaksono (Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia)

201-4호 (제1과학관)




The possibility of existence of hyperons in the recently measured 2*M_{sun} pulsar PSRJ1614-2230 is explored using a diverse set of nuclear equations of state calculated within the relativistic mean-field models. Our results indicate that the nuclear equations of state compatible with heavy-ion data allow the hyperons to exist in the PSRJ1614-2230 only for significantly larger values for the meson-hyperon coupling strengths. The maximum mass configurations for these cases contain sizable hyperon fractions (~60%) and yet masquared their counterpart composed of only nucleonic matter.