Department of Physics, Kyungpook National University
경북대학교 물리학과

KNU Physics Seminars

Possibility of tetraquarks in the excited states of heavy mesons

by Prof. Kim Hungchong (Kookmin University, 국민대학교)

201-4호 (제1과학관)




We propose a four-quark structure for some of the excited states of heavy mesons containing a single charm or bottom quark. The four-quark wave functions are constructed based on a diquark-antidiquark form under the constraint that they form an antitriplet in SU(3)f , which seems to be realized in some of the excited states listed in Particle Data Group. Depending on the structure of antidiquark, we construct two possible models for its wave functions: Model I) the antidiquark is symmetric in flavor and antisymmetric in color and Model II) the antidiquark is antisymmetric in flavor and symmetric in color. To test phenomenological relevance of these wave functions, we calculate the mass differences among the excited states of spin J = 0, 1, 2 using color-spin interactions. The four-quark wave functions based on Model I is found to reproduce the observed mass of the excited states of heavy mesons. Also, our four-quark model provides an interesting phenomenology relating to the decay widths of the excited states. To further pursue the possibility of the four-quark structure, we make a few predictions for open charm and open bottom states that may be discovered in future experiments. Most of them are expected to have broad widths, which would make them difficult to be identified experimentally. However, one resonance with J = 1 containing bottom and strange quarks is expected to appear as a sharp peak with its mass around Bs1N ~ 5753 MeV. Confirmation of the existence of such states in future experiments will shed light on our understanding of the structure of heavy meson excited states.

Host: Prof. Yongseok Oh